This is the grading sheet I use when students play something for a grade in class. It has all the technical stuff I always tell them. So I can just circle the things they need to work on and give them a grade. That way it's not so subjective, but I don't assign a certain number of points for each items. So, in that sense it's not a strict rubric.
I format it in the document so that it's two per page although the google doc doesn't support this. I do it front-and-back to save paper and time copying. I punch holes in it and they put it in their binder. Then they've got four weeks worth before I have to give them another one. Click the "Open in a New Window" icon above to print this version, or click here for the link to a Word doc which you can save and edit.
If you're looking for ideas for a rubric or syllabus, check out Bill Swick's backward assessment models at If you want something to use in grading students that has specific things to check off as the student plays, the guys in Austin, TX at have a great sheet in their curriculum. It's classically focused if you want that, but even if you don't, it's really helpful in the way it breaks down the technique. It can be difficult to assess certain bad technical habits or find the correct phrase or imagery to help a student fix them. Their grading sheet is excellent and I've incorporated a lot of their ideas into mine. Both of these sites are linked in the bar to the right.