I'm very pleased with the progress my students are making. We're now playing E and F on the first string, B-C-D on the second, and G-A on the third. All of my classes are at least to page 10 in the First Division Sax book. They've learned whole, half and quarter notes and rests, 3/4 and 4/4 time signatures, repeat signs, first and second endings and played some simple duets. We've just started ensemble music in one class.
We're using this Yamaha Band Ensemles book now that we know a few notes.
Yep, it's the Eb alto sax book because they transpose to the keys of C and G which are friendly to guitar players. You would need to know about ten more notes before getting started with a comparable guitar ensemble book.

A few of my inclusion students are working on "One-String Yankee Doodle". (5-5-7-9-5-9-7-0) and one of them can play some of the note-reading tunes if he writes the letter names on the page. By the way, he doesn't have the reading skills do it the 'normal' way but he's awesome when it comes to improvisation time! The students in this one class just
have to play the blues at the end of each class. I've told them I'm going to get sunglasses for them to wear while we play the blues.